Happy 2020! This is the first Fasting and Beyond (originally recorded on January 7, 2020) of the New Year and I couldn’t think of a better way to start it than with my guest, Frank Kecseti! Frank has lost over 130 pounds (and counting!) since May 2019 through intermittent fasting and he has NO plans on slowing down anytime soon!! He was gracious enough to share his story with us. We touched upon three very important topics that don’t get talked about often enough:

  1. How does one properly prepare for their fast?
  2. How long should one fast?
  3. How does one properly prepare to break their fast?

Probably the most important thing discussed was the idea that every individual needs to find the system and protocol that works for them. Frank’s current fasting regimen is a modified form of Alternate-Day Fasting — in his case, he fasts for 40 hours and he eats during an 8-hour window. That type of Alternate-Day Fasting certainly isn’t for everyone. Everybody should listen to their own bodies and not be afraid to experiment to find the system and protocol that is right for you.

We also talked about the controversial viewpoint that “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

Finally, we got a fun run-in by Frank’s wife and they shared how they have grown closer as a couple through Intermittent Fasting.

If Frank’s story inspired you as much as it did me, please be sure to follow is continuing journey on his Instagram page

DISCLAIMER: The advice on this page is not meant to replace or represent medical advice. This is nutritional advice, which is NOT the same as medical advice. Before any weight loss endeavor, the consultation of an experienced health care provider is a must. As a general rule, the following individuals should not participate in fasting:

  • Diabetics-particularly those on insulin
  • Lactating women
  • Pregnant women
  • Individuals with a history of eating disorders
  • Children under the age of 18

This list is not all-encompassing; therefore, you should consult your healthcare provider before any new dietary or exercise approach.

Interaction through this blog’s associated social media accounts, podcasts, and other venues associated with The Fasting Doctor does not constitute a patient-physician relationship. Likewise, it does not constitute medical advice. By continuing to access this blog or related resources, you acknowledge and agree that the content and contributors are not liable for your personal use of dietary and wellness advice found in our contents. You acknowledge our recommendation to consult your care provider before utilizing our nutritional information.

For more information, please contact me at!

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